>Today, i am want to share some important information to the people how want to earn money from online sites.
>I am searching in the internet to find which one is good and which is bad one.
>I found some websites from which i am earning the money.so i want to share my information and names of sites which i am using currently.
>Easily Earn Money from Home, Get Paid to Click Ads and Get Paid to Sign-Up.
>You can earn money online, right now, there are already tens of thousands of people that are paid to work at home, some are making a tidy sum just by clicking on a link.
>PTC's or Paid to Click Sites offer FREE Memberships so you can make cash at home right away. Some Get Paid to Click Sites even offer you cash in your account just for signing up.
>Many PTC's I've listed are well paying so earnings are great even if you're clicking alone.
>But we cant make money immediately with in an hour or so.It wili take some time to get the stead amount of money from PTC's.
>I started this and i am earning per month 2$ form one website and from another $3 or so.
As a total i can get $10 to $15 per month.You may think as a little amount but it wil help us make to big amounts.
>I wont suggest to completely depend on this.This is side amount u can get through websites.
>Away, i am listing the names of site for which i am earning money..
NOTE:Remember, don't invest in new sites until you're certain, and NEVER use the same password on any Site you sign up to.
1.Clixsense .com is one the my favourite PTC's site.
>Through which i earned so much.You just need to click on the ads in the site and view for 3oseconds.For this they wil credit u 0.01$ per ad.
>This credit rate is for normal members.Daily we can get upto 6ads in ur account.I am a normal member to.But if we upgrade then we can get daily 20ads in ur account.But i wont suggest to upgrade the membership.First earn some money then if u want you upgrade it.
>When u will earn $5 in ur account then they wil pay u directly to PAYPAL account.If u wont have a paypal account.Create one.Click here to create the account with paypal.
I wont suggest to completely depend on this.This is side amount u can get through websites.
As we all know this $1,$2 will make big amount.so i wont think this is waste of time.If u are free try them.